Dental Implants

Can Poor Oral Health Cause Alzheimer's Disease? 

May 1st, 2023

Numerous studies are pointing to the correlation of Periodontal disease and Alzheimer’s.  

What Is Periodontal Disease? 

Periodontal disease is chronic inflammation of the gums and bone due to infection and inflammation. Harmful bacteria such as P. Gingivalis form as a result underneath the gums causing irreversible bone loss.  

Gingivitis is the precursor to periodontal disease and is reversible through good oral hygiene habits. It is important to keep up with your dental hygiene visits to catch it early. 

According to the CDC: 

  • 47.2% of adults aged 30 years and older have some form of periodontal disease. 
  • Periodontal disease increases with age, 70.1% of adults 65 years and older have periodontal disease. 

So How May Periodontal Disease Contribute To Alzheimer’s? 

According to an article in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease published in 2023, the presence of harmful bacteria from Periodontal disease is associated with Alzheimer's Disease. 

Many of these bacteria can leave our gums and travel through our bloodstream to our brains. They can also cause the production of inflammation markers and amyloid proteins. 

These proteins may cause inflammation of brain cells which may contribute to brain cell death. This destruction of neurons could be the mechanism for memory loss in Alzheimer's. 

A study performed in 2022 by Tuft's University School of Dental Medicine found that a certain bacteria in periodontal disease, F. Nucleatum, may contribute to Alzheimer's. Dr. Jake Junkun Chen professor of periodontology stated, “In this study, our lab is the first to find that Fusobacterium nucleatum can generate systemic inflammation and even infiltrate nervous system tissues and exacerbate the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease."

Back in 2016, The University of Central Lancashire School of Medicine and Dentistry initiated a study that found the first correlation between oral bacteria and Alzheimer's disease. They studied the brain samples of dementia patients compared to those without dementia, and noticed a higher presence of the P. gingivalis bacteria in the brains of those with dementia.

Dr. Sim K. Singhrao, a Senior Research Fellow involved in this study stated: “We are working on the theory that when the brain is repeatedly exposed to bacteria and/or their debris from our gums, subsequent immune responses may lead to nerve cell death and possibly memory loss. Thus, continued visits to dental hygiene professionals throughout one’s life may be more important than currently envisaged with inferences for health outside of the mouth only.”

Finding P. gingivalis and other strains of bacteria in our bloodstream may become a risk factor for developing dementia in the future.

Why Dental Implants May Be A Better Option Than Dentures or Bridges

April 19th, 2023

In the United States, 120 million people are missing at least one tooth. These numbers may increase in the next couple of decades.

If missing teeth are not addressed health conditions may arise. These include diabetes, obesity, coronary artery disease, and certain oral cancers.

Dentures and bridges are the most common route to address failing and missing teeth. Implants, though more expensive, are becoming more commonplace. They also reveal higher success rates while providing better patient satisfaction rates.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is an anchor or “screw” that dentists insert into the jaw bone that acts as the new root for your tooth. A crown is then secured on top.

What is a bridge?

Bridges replace missing teeth by “bridging” the empty pockets where missing teeth once were. Dentists shave down surrounding teeth and secure porcelain crowns over the gaps. There are removable bridges as well as fixed bridges. There are also bridges that can be secured with dental implants. 

What are dentures?

Dentures are completely removable appliances made for the patient after dentists remove all teeth. There are also partial dentures that can be placed over preserved teeth.

What makes dental implants a better option than these alternatives?

Let’s discuss the pros of dental implants compared to dentures and bridges.

  • Dental implants are the ONLY permanent solution, working successfully 96.8% of the time after ten years.

  • Dental implants may help prevent bone loss. After losing a tooth, the jaw bone in that area weakens. 

  • Dental implants do not damage surrounding teeth as in the case with bridges.

  • Dental implants feel more natural compared to dentures. According to a questionnaire study out of a group of 400 patients, 94% “reported a high degree of satisfaction with their dental implants 8-14 years after the treatment.”

  • Dental implants are more cosmetically appealing. Jaw bone loss may result in a “sunken-in” appearance. Dental implants can protect the structural integrity of your face.

  • Dental implants promote a better quality of life compared to dentures. Patients have reported that chewing and speaking abilities surpass those with dentures.

  • Dental implants may reduce the risk of nutritional deficiencies that may arise with dentures. This is due to an inability to chew certain foods.

  • Dental implants promote healthier blood flow to gums. Dentures stifle blood flow which may promote further deterioration of the jaw.

Many of our patients have already tried bridges and dentures before they end up visiting our office.

Our goal is to educate our patients early before they realize all the issues that may come with bridges and dentures.

Dr. Gates DDS at Custom Dental of McKinney states,  “Many patients come to me only seeking interest in dentures because they’re the most economical decision. I always want to set realistic expectations with dentures so I tell them the best a denture will ever be is a wooden peg.”

“The best a denture will ever be is a wooden peg.” - Dr. Bryce Gates DDS

Regardless of their success, dental implants may not be for everyone. Here are some things to consider when it comes to dental implants:

  • They are more expensive and insurance may not cover them.

  • It is a more extensive surgical procedure that may take six months to a year.

  • Dental implants may be contraindicated in certain disorders such as certain clotting disorders, bone disease, cancers, uncontrolled diabetes, and if you are a heavy smoker.

There are still risks such as implant failure or bleeding complications though these are minimal.

In conclusion, it is best to discuss your specific situation with our doctors here at Custom Dental. We are always here to guide you to the decision that is best for your health and that best aligns with your individual needs.



What is the Average Cost of a Dental Implant?

March 8th, 2023

The average cost for an entire dental implant procedure could be $1,500 to $6,500 depending on where you live and your specific situation. 

In this post, we are going to dive into why this range is so widespread. 

When it comes to dental implants, the most common question we get from our patients is how much does a dental implant costs?  Scheduling a consultation appointment is the best way to give you the most accurate estimate. 

The dental implant or the “Tooth Root” (pictured below) can be between $1,000 to $3,000. However, the implant is only one part of the procedure. 

Other costs include the abutment usually costing about $300 to $500, and the crown usually costing about $1,000 to $2,000.  Our dentists may need to extract some teeth. Teeth extractions cost about $100 to $500 per extraction. 

Depending on the strength and density of your jaw, bone graft may also be needed to ensure stability for the implant. Bone grafting usually costs $400 to $600. 

According to Delta Dental the average cost for a dental implant procedure for McKinney residents is $5,142 to $6,195. 

If you don't live in McKinney, click here to find out how much dental implants cost in your area. 

Here our approximate fees at Custom Dental in McKinney: 

Tooth Extraction: $288 

Bone Graft: $488 

Implant: $2015 

Abutment: $480 

Crown: $1,388 

Total= Approximately $4,659 for a dental implant procedure at Custom Dental of McKinney. 

With our Custom Dental Savings Plan applied (our In House Savings Plan): %20 Off All Fees 

Tooth Extraction: $230.40 

Bone Graft: $390.40 


Abutment: $384 

Crown: $1,110.4 

Total=$3,727.20 for a Dental Implant Procedure at Custom Dental of McKinney with our Savings Plan. 


Dental implants are the best replacement for failing and missing teeth with a 96% success rate in a span of ten years. Implants are expensive but life changing and we want to make sure that as many patients as possible are able to afford them. 

We offer financing options through Care Credit and Proceed Finance. Third financing parties can turn an overwhelming number into small monthly payments. Click here to learn more about our third party payment plans and apply today. 

Dentists must follow a system and analyze your healing. Here is what that process looks like at Custom Dental in McKinney: 

  • 1. First Appointment: Exam, Consultation, and X-Rays- Our dental assistants will take you to our 3D Imaging Panorama machine. We will assess for infection, the quality of your bone, if it is strong enough to hold a dental implant and if there are any abscesses or teeth that must be removed. 

  • 2. Second Appointment: Implant Placement- Our doctors will place the implant into your jaw bone at the exact depth needed for ultimate success. Then a temporary crown will be placed on top so you will not be leaving our practice without a tooth. The next appointment will usually be in 3-6 months depending on how much healing time you need for the implant to integrate into your bone. 

  • 3. Third Appointment: Abutment Placement- Now that your gum and bone has healed we can screw the abutment into your implant to make it permanent. 

  • 4. Final Appointment: Permanent Crown Placement- We will remove your temporary crown and place the permanent crown on top. 

Your implant is now complete and you have a beautiful new smile to show off to the world. 

Top 10 Benefits of Dental Implants

July 22nd, 2019

I treat patients whose lives change dramatically from one day to the next solely because of dental implants.

Not only is there a great aesthetic advantage, but the improvement in your overall psychological and physical health is remarkable.  Here is a list of the top 10 benefits that can come from dental implants that I have personally heard from my patients and that are reported world wide: 

Ability to chew nutritious food and eat anything you like without pain or discomfort. An example of this would be a patient biting into an apple after years of not being able to do so. A wonderful patient of mine, who was also an employee of the company had struggled with failing teeth for years. She informed me about her avoidance of eating out with friends because she felt obliged to order soft foods to not show the discomfort she would display if she were to have ordered something harder like steak and vegetables. Over time, we were able to give her the gift of implants again and she was able to enjoy things that many of us may take for granted: like biting into an apple. 

Improving overall health because you are able to eat more solid and nutritious foods (fruits and vegetables). This same patient, and many other patients were able to eat foods like carrots, apples and meat for the first time in years. Expanding the variety in your diet once again is vital to improving the amount and quality of nutrients consumed.

Improvement of psychological health and well-being. In a world where we should be using our smile to change the world, we need to be mindful of how losing our smile can change us. I’m acutely aware of this every day when I go to work and meet patients with failing or missing teeth. Their confidence is deflated, and they cover their mouth when they smile. It is such a shame. However, once solutions are enacted to reverse these problems I literally see my patients change before my eyes. I've seen spouses cry when seeing their significant other with implants for the first time as they have not seem them smile in years! The radical improvement of confidence and increase in self esteem go hand in hand when receiving dental implants.

Image result for happy people

Instead of covering your mouth while laughing and smiling, you are eager to show off your new smile. This ties back into the psychological benefits we just discussed.

Dental Implants are more cost effective in the long run. It may seem that in the moment you are saving a lot more money on dentures and bridges, however you only have to change crowns about every 15 years and the dental implant itself could even last a lifetime.

You don’t have to have dentures or bridges fixed every five years anymore. Because of the constant deterioration of your bone and muscle loss that dentures and fixed bridges may cause, your bridges and dentures must be fixed to adjust to the form of your jaw. With dental implants this is not necessary because it STOPS this deterioration of bone and muscle loss leading to the next benefit.

Image result for dentures slipping out

Eliminating further bone loss and the “sinking in” of the jaw and stopping muscle atrophy of the mouth. This elimination is so detrimental as to why dental implants are the most superior missing or failing tooth replacement. Eliminating further bone and loss and muscle loss, literally stops the aging process from continuing and can even make you look ten years younger! Going from a sunken in jaw, to a jaw that is filled thick with healthy bone and muscle contributes to a far more youthful experience as demonstrated in the picture below. 

Image result for dental implants muscle atrophy

Not having to remove your temporary teeth every night. This is a given! Implants are permanent solutions that have a 99% success rate over a span of 10 years!

You are suddenly able to talk naturally, without concerns of “lisp like” sound or clicking of dentures. Many patients report a lack of confidence in their speaking abilities because of their dentures or missing teeth. Even when a dentures fits beautifully, it can still be daunting to learn how to speak again with a new structure in your mouth. Your body has adapted to the prior form of your jaw, so getting used to dentures can be a learning curve. Dentures cause your mouth to produce an extra amount of saliva and the excess saliva and the difficulty to control it causes lisps, gargling sounds, and whistling noises. Even when denture adhesive is applied correctly, they can slip causing quite an annoying clicking noise.

Reducing the risk of bad breath associated with dentures. If not brushed thoroughly twice a day, a film of lingering food can develop on the dentures causing the development of plaque and bacteria. This plaque buildup and bacteria can cause a very unpleasant smell that can become difficult to remove if not taken care of daily.

These are only eight of the benefits from dental implants that can be truly life changing. This process can transform our smiles which are often our signature, and a genuine smile carries through into the way we carry ourselves and even the spark in our eyes. It is a sign of friendliness, and kindness and is such an important factor in opening up opportunities for greater happiness and fulfillment.

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What are Dental Implants?

July 22nd, 2019

Dental Implants are the absolute best solution to this date for failing and missing teeth.

With a 98% success rate, they are as close as you can get to the natural and beautiful teeth you were born with. With dental implants, patients are able to restore their ability to confidently eat nutritious foods, talk and pronounce words effectively, and show off a beautiful and full smile once again.

Imagine a dental implant as a small screw with a cosmetic crown on top. This screw is essentially what will replace the root of your original tooth, and is integrated flawlessly into your jawbone. The implant material and the bone in your jaw are compatible therefore the process of osseointegration will take place, a fancy word for the bonding of your implant and jaw bone. 

What are the parts of a dental implant?

1) The titanium implant itself (the screw).

2) The abutment or the “connector” of the implant and your crown.

3) The custom made crown itself (the ice cream on the cone).

The implant (or screw) is just one component of the cost of a total implant as the abutment and crown must be included as well.

What is the Implant made out of? 

Most dental implants are made out of titanium. The reason this particular metal is used over other metals, is that your bone and muscle do not reject it but rather respond to it, keeping the integrity of the surrounding tissue and bone.

This equates to the halt of bone loss and muscle atrophy, which is what causes your jaw and mouth to have a “sunk in” or older look. The halting of this process is truly what makes implants so special because your jaw is made to look fuller and younger once again.

History of Dental Implants: 

Even though Dental Implants are the most cutting edge tooth replacement technology these days, they are not a new concept. 

Documentation of dental implants goes back to the Ancient Egyptians where they used rocks, shells, and gold as dental implants: more than 3,000 years ago! 

Unfortunately the focus shifted from permanent solutions, to impermanent and less effective solutions like bridges and dentures for a long period of time, however, implants made their comeback in the 80’s. Initially, many people think that implants are exclusive to celebrities because of the high cost but with the ever improving development of dental technology and equipment dental implants have become much more affordable and attainable to anybody in this day and age.

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